Trump’s Strategy—Be outrageous and let the media spread his message

Trump’s strategy has always been: make outrageous comments and let the world talk about Trump.

Trump loves this.

Look at all these headlines. Twitter was abuzz yesterday during and after his appearance at NABJ. Tweets and news stories. Clip after clip being reshared.

Trump doesn’t believe in bad press. His message is spreading and people are repeating what he wanted them to hear.

He questioned Kamala Harris’s racial identity. He knew he had a platform to question Harris’s racial identity to the NABJ. Plant the seed of doubt that she identified as Indian, which she is and she’s also Jamaican. Trump wanted to use her racial identity against her to the NABJ crowd.

It backfired as it should have.

But, his supporters loved it. Trump is looking for you to talk about this. To be outraged. He wants that story out there. He doesn’t say things so you don’t talk about it. What he doesn’t like feeling like is a fool and being laughed at. But, you can’t tell me he didn’t know this would make the headlines as it did and he’s not enjoying the outcome of his remarks to his base.

If you think these comments are going to tank his campaign—think back to 2016 when the bus tape released where he said he could molest women because he’s famous. He half way apologized saying it was nothing more than men’s locker room talk. He’s using the same strategy and that’s why Kamala Harris’s campaign is doing a great job in controlling his narrative for once. They started calling him weird. It’s weird to say such things isn’t it? They are starting to use his words and twist and turn them so people realize yea—that does sound weird coming from a former world leader. Harris is getting to Trump and the more she does—the more outrageous things he will start saying. This is only the beginning.

With these comments he is NOT going to gain new supporters this time around. He will drive away the undecided voters who are having Trump Fatigue like the rest of us.

Trump uses the media against the media—and the media needs to realize that outrageous comments are just that. Attention getters to make them jump to write that headline and show clip after clip of him saying the thing he said he shouldn’t have said.

I am a professor, pretend political pundit, media critic, and the author of the upcoming book: Political Rhetoric, Social Media, and American Presidential Campaigns: Candidates' Use of New Media. (December 2020 Lexington Books) Critiquing and monitoring social media/media in the political process is what I do. I live for American Presidential Campaigns.

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